Friday, September 16, 2005

The Sock's Excellent European Adventure - Starts Today!

And don't think The Sock isn't excited about it! It's been gathering its essentials in preparation.

Here it is checking on its passport:

Looks like it is all in order...

So The Sock is ready to go!

I, on the other hand, am not ready AT ALL. Because instead of packing and doing laundry and getting all the last minute things done that need to be done when one will be gone for a couple of weeks, I've been busy trying to figure out Photoshop* so I could make a fake passport for The Sock! Hello? .... can you say "PROCRASTINATION"??. Because everyone knows that a fake passport (for a SOCK, no less) is OH SO MUCH MORE important than actually doing the Need To stuff, dontcha know?! :)

BUT ... with or without the packed socks and undies .... I am heading out!!! Whoo hoooo! Europe, here I come!!!

Which leads me to this next bit .......

To all you loyal readers out there (I love each and every one of you!) ... I may not be able to blog for 2 whole weeks. ARGH!!!! I will TRY to .... (because hello?... no internet for 2 weeks! ... can someone survive that?! Is there a patch to help with the withdrawal symptoms? Anything? ACK!).... but I'm unsure of what access I'll have. So the next two weeks may be hit and miss ... but after that ... you will be bombarded! I'm sure there will be plenty of Dorkiness stories to share. Because me, in a country in which I don't speak the language, The Dorkiness is simply inevitable!!! And I look forward to sharing the many stories and pictures with all y'all when I get back! So stay tuned!

Take care all!

*thanks, Buck, for assisting when I got stuck!!


Liz G. said...

You and the Sock have a WONDERFUL trip. There are Internet Cafes everywhere - and we, your loyal readers, expect you to take the time for updates. HA!

Seriously - would love a cursory itinerary so we can live vicariously through you!!

Anonymous said...

Bye sock, bye sis!!!

Now remember what I said, chocolate and Paris and chocolate and croissants and chocolate and the sock. I must hear all the details. French chocolate -- I could just die! And if you see Johnny Depp in Paris TAKE A PICTURE!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe frap girl could put the sock on johnny depp and then take a picture!!!

bon voyage ms..oops, kat! (this is probably too late to get to you but, oh well)

Anonymous said...

mmm....Johnny Depp....

I mean, have safe travels and a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!


Anonymous said...

SIS2 here...ditto the chocolate. Have fun with sock and be safe. I expect sock to have quite an adventure. And if you see Johnny Dep just pack him in luggage and drop off in Denver with said chocolate : )