Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sweet Home Oregon-a

Sweet home Oregon-a,
Oh sweet home baby,
Sweet home Oregon-a,
Where the skies are so blue (errr, or grey.... whatever)*


I'm home, baby!!!! Whoo hooo! Though I love to travel ... no matter how long I'm gone nor how far I go ... it's just always great to get home!

The Sock and I had a fabulous time! I took 261 pictures (no, no ... don't panic ... I won't make you see ALL of them! ;)) and will be sharing those pics with you as soon as I can:

1) find my camera battery charger
2) buy a new one

Because somewhere between "The Packing" and "The Walking Out the Front Door" for this trip, I misplaced my charger. I distinctly remember having it in my hand the night before I left and then voila ... it is no more. Sigh.

(perhaps The Charger is terrified of flying? Or wanted internationally and knew it would be caught in customs??)

And now, the camera ... she is dead.

Speaking of lost chargers, I'd like to send a shout out to the sales clerk in the camera section of Harrods department store in London for offering up to recharge my battery for me while I shopped. (*shout out*). If not for Harrods, the photo taking portion of this vacation would have ended sometime around Day 2 London. :)

Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update. I am off to the Green Day concert in an hour or two and must find a complete outfit of clean clothing which to wear (this could take some doing! ;))

Back to work tomorrow :( but back to superfast internet connectivity too!!! :)

*my apologies to Lynyrd Skynyrd for desecrating his 'Sweet Home Alabama'


Anonymous said...

you make me laugh. see ya in an hour. green day! woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

welcome home frap girl!!!!

wow, just back from europe and off to a green day concert? you rock.

btw, we hear a lot of "sweet home ari-zona, where the skies are blue" [really]....

i can't wait to see the pics...all 261 of them.

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