Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Spirit of New Orleans!

Just received an email update regarding my sister's friend Barbie (from New Orleans). Thought I would share.

we are still in baton rouge and probably will not be able to return for a few months..just taking it a day at a time. i cried all day sunday..john and bert were out of the house so i just let it out..feel better too..i dont care about what i may have lost i am just enraged about this needless tragedy that has unfolded.

on a funny note..there is this local bar in the quarter...johnny whites..they refuse to close for anything..well, they are still open and serving warm beer..with every beer you get an mre!!! also, this weekend was suppose to be southern decadence..some people who stayed held a decadence parade on sunday..that the new orleans spirit..
You go, New Orleans!!!


On a related note: You go, Portland!

Portland, Oregon has stepped up to house some of the Katrina refugees (man, it just doesn't feel right using that word to describe fellow Americans). I was talking to a paramedic friend yesterday and he said over 100 had arrived already this weekend (4 of which immediately had to be sent off to surgery!) and more were coming. This article says we're taking in 1000 but the paramedic said he thought 2000.

How weird would that be to be thrown on a jet and whisked off to be housed in a strange state/city?? Very, VERY weird, right?

Anyway, welcome folks! Portland is a beautiful city. But very different from New Orleans. Some of you will love it (and end up staying?). Some of you may hate it and take the first bus out. But to all of you ... I hope you can at least find some temporary comfort and rest. I'm sure you haven't had much of that lately.

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