Monday, December 19, 2005

Brainteaser Solution

Okay, the solution is in the comments of this post.


Kat said...

The "trick" to this puzzle was to come up with using "to the power of" pairs of numbers.

For instance, the following 3 solutions fit the guidelines (2 digits per line, using numbers 1-6, each once and only once):

35 + 1^4 = 6^2
4^3 + 1^2 = 65
4^1 + 2^5 = 36

The "^" symbol is being used to designate "to the power of". So for the second one (the one I came up with) the solution would read "4 cubed plus 1 squared equals 65". (The "^" symbol only being added for computer-speak. In the real world, no symbol would be necessary.)

Though the puzzle guidelines don't explicity state no symbols may be added, a couple of other solutions with added symbols could be:

square root of 25 + 36 = 41
1/3 + 2/4 = 5/6

And there ya go. Don't kill me if you disagree with the solutions .... I'm just the messenger! ;)

monkeysuncle said...

ah... so 12+34=56 wouldn't be right? dambit.

Kat said...

tee hee ... very funny, D.
