Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I don't claim to be religious by any means.....

...but do chocolate crosses just seem wrong to anyone else??? :)


Anonymous said...


what was the question?

Anonymous said...

It's not even the good chocolate...sorry ladies, but I am picky about chocolate. Not just any kind will do.

At least they didn't put Jesus on them.

Still...kind of weird. And also what kid is going to be excited about a chocolate cross?

Kat said...

Sorry, T1. Must run in my family. But I ain't met a chocolate yet I don't like! ;)

Anonymous said...

well, i will concede that some chocolates are better than others, but me? no i am not gonna turn my nose up at cheap chocolate, not if you're offering. i was given some cheapie little chocolate easter eggs today -- a little baggie of them -- they're all gone now! i think that runs in the family too.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God.
Wow! There's something made of chocolate that even I wouldn't eat!

Anonymous said...

Does the cross have ears? If not, how to you know what to eat first?