Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm ready for my closeup, General Mills.

So there is something about Honey Nut Cheerios that CJ can NOT get enough of.

Back when she was a youngster, she'd come staggering out every morning, still groggily wiping morning sleep from her eyes, as soon as she heard me pour my bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. And we would sit and share and life was good. (this was obviously pre-kitty-liver-disease-diagnosis)

But I've not had HNC for years and years. Just happened to get the hankering the other day.

But, apparently, CJ has not forgotten them. Because one whiff and she was on me like flies on poop!

Just look at this pupil-dilated, hypnotic stare into the bowl*. You can just feel her willing that last cheerio to leap into her mouth.

"Come to me, you little honeyed tidbit of goodness"

And normally CJ abides by the rules. Ya know, the "no taking food not offered" rule. She can stare at me. She can stare at the food. She can even reach her paw out to cutely remind me that she'd like something. But there is NO taking the food off of my plate. Or outta my bowl.

Uh yeah.

Apparently, that rule goes right out the window when HNCs are involved. Because I turn my head for one minute and.........

Bad kitty.

And then, and THEN ... she had the audacity to give me the "what? I didn't do nuthin'" look.

Which may have been more effective without the incriminating evidence on her face.

Yeah, bad, bad kitty.

"Hello, my name is CJ and I'm a HoneyNutCheeri-aholic"

General Mills ... I'm thinkin' commercial**. Give me a call!

*I love this picture!
** yeah, I'm pimpin' out my cat! What of it?? :)


Merry said...

Our kitty waits until I take DS to school and licks syrup off his plate, or finishes milk in bowl then goes to front door and licks her chops as I come in house!
Cats are funny!

shannon said...

I love all the pictures! What a sweet little face...

I used to have a cat who would almost tackle me when I had oven fried chicken on my plate. Nothing else made him a beggar kitty.

I have to admit, chicken makes more sense than HNC. I love her eyes in the first shot, looking at the bowl.

Squeeze her for me. :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute!

One of my six kitties, Jasmine, jonese big time for bologna and hotdogs! It's her vice apparently.

shannon said...

I hope it's okay, but I am using that first shot as my desktop background on my computer at work. I need smiles today and CJ certainly brings them to me...

Kat said...

That's cool, Shannon. Just happy someone else appreciates the cuteness which is CJ. ;)

Liz G. said...

My Barton only does this for tortilla chips...he's a Tostitos Bandito.

NeedleTart said...

Came over from CAP and love the pics.

Anonymous said...

Me, too, had to check out your pics! What a cute kitty! I love people who love their kitties like I love mine!