Monday, September 08, 2008

Have you ever had ......

... one of those mornings where you actually included an open can of cat food in with your packed lunch?? Yeahhhhhhhhhhh. Happy Monday morning to me! Sigh.

So I find the cat food when I'm sorting through my food at work and then have to hide it in the back of the break room fridge, cuz really ... how do you explain THAT to your coworkers?!

I tell ya .... the time for putting me in a nursing home keeps creeping closer and closer!! ;)


Annette said...

you might want to sneak a taste of that cat food. after all, if you ever wind up a shopping cart lady under the burnside bridge, cat food could become your gourmet meal. not that that will happen but you never know. btw, how did you manage to do that? grab the cat food? did you think it was tuna fish?

Kat said...

I have NO idea on the cat food, Antonia. None of my lunch should have included anything involving a can. Which really makes what I was thinking at the time ALL that more mysterious! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hope you remembered to bring the can of food home from work. I'd hate to see you try to explain why there is a smelly can of opened cat food in the back of the fridge at work. Ha!