Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm apparently Straight-Brained

The link below takes you to a visual test to determine your right-braininess vs left-braininess. I was surprised that mine defaults to the dancer turning clockwise ... which indicates more right-brained. With a little doing I could get her to switch directions and now I can get her to do it at will. But the first time I look at it she is still turning clockwise. I find that odd. (if you knew me, you would too! I am sooo about the math! :))

Which way is she turning for you? I keep trying to query male coworkers here but they seem too distracted by the outline of her torso to be able to reply coherently! ;)

Here's the link


Unknown said...

That's so cool! I've got the same effect that you do... started clockwise, but can switch at will. :)

Jeanne said...

OMG, that's the freakiest danged thing I've ever seen! Same here—clockwise first... thought no way can I see this any other way then I blinked and looked at the advertisement to the lower right and all of a sudden it switched! I'm playing with switching my brain back and forth at will. Just think if you could do that on command!

I just noticed something very odd. I have that page up and visible and I'm watching her out of the corner of my eye. When I type something with feeling, she changes to clockwise. When I'm thinking carefully, she changes to counter clockwise. Freaky!

Anonymous said...

I mostly see her clockwise although I can see her counter-clockwise too.

Anonymous said...

At first I saw her counter-clockwise, which is weird for me...then clockwise.

Of course there is a small part of my brain wondering why there was a need to outline her nipples as well...So is that's a detail thing that's left brain, right?

Kat said...

Sounds pretty left brained to me, T1! Cuz my right-brainedness didn't even notice (seriously, me right-brained?? ... what the hell??? I blame damb HGTV ... all those interior design shows must be getting to me!)

Anonymous said...

Either that or your eyesight is failing...