Friday, April 13, 2007

Middle Ages Tech Support Video

I'm so happy! I tried to post the link to this video months ago but the video was removed from YouTube before I could even say "boo". Anyway, it's back .... so take a gander while the link is still valid! It just cracks me up, I tell ya!

Enjoy!!! And Happy Friday!!!!


Anonymous said...

hee hee that is cute!
happy friday to you too!

Anonymous said...

I love it. I love it even more that it's in Swedish or Norwegian or some scandanavian language. Thanks for the day brightener!

Anonymous said...

much gracias mi amiga! muy bueno, muy bueno.

ok, that's it for la espanol. the video is a riot. thanks so much and i'll write soon - that is, after the irish guy shows up with my bike; if indeed he shows up with my bike :o)

Kat said...

hehehe .. you called yourself "Ms S". You are TOO cute! Have you been Drunk Blog Commenting again??? :)

(ps. Still waiting on that "I'll write soon" promise! :))

Anonymous said...

lordy lordy, i just checked back to see if you had updated the blog and only now saw the ms s thing. yep, drunk blogging. also drunk spelling...much instead of mucho. sheesh. am i supposed to write soon or you? i think i need a cerveza.