Thursday, May 11, 2006

AH HA!!!! (*slaps forehead*)

I have FIGURED IT OUT, people!!!! It all makes sense now, that it does!!!!!!!!!! Whoo hooooooo!!!!

So I've been kinda concerned about this Long-Term Single Thing I've got going on. I mean, WTF?? How hard is it to really find that one person that just makes you the happiest you've ever been AND who puts the toilet seat down?! Right? Can't possibly be that hard .... I mean, so many other people are hooking up just right and left! So what gives? Why not me?!

Well, I'll TELL you why not me! I was sitting in a Feng Shui lecture last night (don't ask) and the instructor was discussing the Bagua Map. To those of you unfamiliar with the Bagua Map, check out this link here.

Now that whole Love And Marriage area .... yeah, that's my junk room. A spare bedroom I haven't really decorated and to which I keep the door closed! Always! Yeah, tell me that's not significant, people! I mean, how's that Love Energy supposed to flow with the door closed!?!

So I ran home last night, flung open the door and set a pair of candles in there (that area should have symmetry, things with pairs). SO BRING ON THE LOVE, Oh You Gods of The Feng Shui!!!!!!!! ;) (of course, apparently pink is the color of choice in that area so uhhhhh .... that may take some doing what with that room currently being blue. And uh ... the clutter isn't good either. But ya know ... it's a start. Right!?! Maybe I'll get a date at least out of the changes I made! (who me?! An Instant Gratification kinda gal?!! Pshaawww!! ;)))

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes! If something shakes down then maybe I'll start figuring out where to move the kitty litter boxes. Because apparently they are currently shitting on my wealth and prosperity! (Damn cats!)


~ MeLissa said...

LOL. You're too funny, but you never know. :) What's the worst that can happen even if it doesn't work? You'll have a nice girlie pink room that's neat and organized. And, since when is that a *bad* thing? ;)

monkeysuncle said...

Hmm... So, what does your new smattering of feng shui expertise say about my place, Kat?


And does this mean you'll be taking the TV out of your bedroom?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the floor in that room pink? That counts right?

And uh D...maybe it's all the stuff in your place. Just sayin'. Too many um...action figures puttin' the kung fu moves on the feng sui.

And K...does that mean you shouldn't have poop in your garage? Or is it the back yard? Because I'm screwed if it's the back yard. And here I thought my dogs were only shitting on my plants...

Kat said...

T- apparently your entire living space has to fit into that rectangle ... including decks and garages. So actually, part of my Love & Marriage and part of the Wealth/Prosperity/Abundance are missing (hello??? Does this Bagua map not explain my life perfectly!!! because my deck extends only the center back of the house. So I need to include the areas on either side of the deck ... (ya know, those garden areas)... when analyzing this map.

In your case, I wonder if you have to include the garage because it's not attached to the house? Though maybe it is considered attached because the deck joins with it? I don't know. But even without the garage area, you definitely have to include the garden area off the side of the deck because the deck counts.

BUT... if you DO have to include your garage (which then attaches to your new back cement patio area) ... your entire backyard would count! In which case ... yeah, you are just getting shit all over!! ;)

And in D's case ... I'm thinking he needs to paint his bedroom pink! ;) (sorry D). Though maybe you could FINALLY stain your bedroom furniture a nice shade of mauve instead??? ;)

monkeysuncle said...

That's it. I'm getting rid of the toys. I'm sick and tired of everyone making fun of me for that junk!!! I had a game room basement and it was good decoration for that! SHEESH!!! and HRMPH!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kat

You should check out

A very cool and fun gathering. They do fun activites! It is $70 dollars for a six month trial but hey you figure you would pay AT least that much on these cheapskate losers who won't pay for your meal when they take you out anyways! Cheap Bastards! lol : (

The feng shui really does work! Honest!!! : )

Kat said...

Ah D ... don't be upset. You know we love you. And I love the toys! And you're going to have a game room again to use them in! (and I'm not just saying this cuz I'm scared you'll start decorating with Dogs Playing Pokers artwork either! :))

Kat said...

thanks, pdxjenny. I may check them out. Though the group is a really active group and's free!!! ;) (Of course, that's not specifically for singles. Hmmm. :))

Anonymous said...

one more piece of advice. go to new renaissance (sp?) bookstore or some other place like that and get a hunk 'o rose quartz and put it in your love corner..the love corner of the house that is (i'm not real sure where that's at on your body but i'm guessin'..). it is a very powerful stone when it comes to attracting love.

Anonymous said...

wow...this single thing is a lot of work, but I am thinking of jumping back in. Maybe you should stop trying to be in a relationship and just enjoy life!!!